Edupac memberi Anda layanan “One Stop Learning Solutions” untuk berbagai pelatihan bahasa Inggris, pengaturan universitas dan perguruan tinggi, serta penempatan kerja di luar negeri setelah lulus.
Kursus persiapan ujian untuk TOEFL IBT, IELTS, GMAT, GRE, TOEIC, SAT dan CFA memberikan Anda pandangan dan strategi untuk mencapai nilai yang bagus untuk memasuki universitas dan perguruan tinggi terbaik, Edupac adalah pemimpin dalam persiapan ujian yang dikenal luas melalui berbagai Program Bahasa Inggris dari Kaplan International Colleges dan Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions. Kami yang telah membantu jutaan siswa dalam menghadapi ujian yang diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan, karir, dan pribadi mereka. Edupac memiliki metode belajar yang membantu Anda mencapai nilai tertinggi yang Anda inginkan.
It was such a great experience to study in Kaplan BSD. At first, I have no confidence with m,y score which was 4.0 when I did my first diagnostic test. It was increased to 4.5 and in last progress test I got 5.5. Then, when i got band score 6.0 in the official test, I feel really grateful and thankful to Kaplan that helped me to reach that score. Now, I am the awardee of Stipendium Hungaricum 2020, which is a full scholarship in Hungary. Thanks Kaplan for making my dreams come true.
I’m happy to learn english in Kaplan. Because, Kaplan has Professional teachers who have experience to teach students with interactive and joyful method. Kaplan also provide cozy classroom thus student can catch the lesson better. Staffs here are very friendly and cooperative. Thank you so much for helping me to reach my dream college (International Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Course (IMAC-U) at Tohoku University, Japan)!
First of all, I would like to say thank you very much to Kaplan BSD. Because Kaplan has really helped me a lot in preparing for my IELTS examination. And, I would like also to thank you to my teacher, Mr. Greg. He is such a wonderful teacher, He was really supportive and intelligent. Thank you very much Kaplan!
Studying in Kaplan BSD has really help me improved my english skills especially in writing and speaking. I get to learn a lot of tips and tricks in doing my IELTS test, and how to speak fluent in english. The speaking practice in Kaplan BSD is very effective since we get to speak with foreign speaker and the class is very easy to understand because, here the teachers are experienced and very competent. I fully recommend studying english in Kaplan BSD.
Learning in Kaplan helped me improve my overall reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. it was a great time and gave me the confidence neede when doing the actual test. The final-band score of 8.00 is a big improvement from my first mock test result of 7.0. I was especially proud of my 9.0 score in the reading section. Overall, it was truly a wonderful learnig experience!
Learning with Kaplan really help elevate the skills and also the 'tricks' that we need to get a good score during the IELTS test. with a background in english, Kaplan's english would be the perfect gateway to enhached your linguistic skills as well as provided assistance for your pathway to a high-score in your upcoming english profiency test.
It has been fun learning at Kaplan. The teacher is really nice and fun making the class more exciting. I have learn more about IELTS making me feel assured when taking the official test. I learned how IELTS test works and what to look out form making the test more bearable and relatively easier. I really recommend Kaplan's courses for preparing the test but of course our self effort are a lot more important.
Kaplan IELTS English Program preparation course helped in achieving my IELTS target score. The teacher is very helpful even outside of class. The class is very helpful with good method of teaching, personally it helped me in improving my writing and speaking because the teacher encourage us to be better each meeting. Thank you Kaplan for helping me in achieving this.
I find that this program extremely useful in identifying my personal strengths & the places where I could improve. I definitely recommended this to not only improve confidence & skill in taking the IELTS but, general improvement in the English language. I managed to go from a 7.0 in Listening to a perfect 9.0. Thanks to Mr. Michael and Kaplan Edupac!
Joining Kaplan Edupac was definitely a choice I made that I won't regret. Not only Kaplan raised my IELTS & TOEFL ITP scores, Kaplan also increased my confidence in my English Skills. Thank you Kaplan!
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