Azka Luqman Abrar P.
IELTS Exam Prep Program | Diagnostic Test: 6.0 | IELTS Official Test score : 7.5
SMAN 2 Kota Tangerang Selatan (Grade 12)
“I am very happy to have studied with Kaplan and achieved satisfactory results. At first, I was quite pessimistic because my diagnostic test score was only 6.0. However, after learning so much from my wonderful teachers and friends, I finally achieved a great score of 7.5. A big thanks to my teachers, my classmates, and, of course, Kaplan for helping me achieve my target. Thank you for making me feel like part of the family!”Edupac BSD
IELTS Exam Prep Program | Diagnostic Test: 6.0 | IELTS Official Test score : 7.5 SMAN 2 Kota Tangerang Selatan (Grade 12) “I am very happy to have studied with Kaplan and achieved satisfactory results. At first, I was quite pessimistic because my diagnostic test score was only 6.0. However, after learning so much from my wonderful teachers and friends, I finally achieved a great score of 7.5. A big thanks to my teachers, my classmates, and, of course, Kaplan for helping me achieve my target. Thank you for making me feel like part of the family!”
Carolus Dharma H.Next
Jonathan Hanly