Dylan Sebastian Mulya
Program IELTS Preparation Regular | IELTS Official Test score : 8.0
“I knew beforehand that the IELTS test would not be easy and that I would need to study extensively. Despite this, I decided to enroll in Kaplan. Studying here has taught me many things I would never have considered for the test, and I am very satisfied with my results. I do not regret studying here in the slightest.”Edupac BSD
Program IELTS Preparation Regular | IELTS Official Test score : 8.0 “I knew beforehand that the IELTS test would not be easy and that I would need to study extensively. Despite this, I decided to enroll in Kaplan. Studying here has taught me many things I would never have considered for the test, and I am very satisfied with my results. I do not regret studying here in the slightest.”
Franklin LoNext
Mikha Milnasio F.