Webinar Kaplan Edupac International College

WEBINAR SERIES : Solusi Hemat & Cepat Kuliah di UC Berkeley dan TOP Universitas lainnya di Amerika

Mau kuliah di UC Berkeley atau Top Universitas di Amerika dengan biaya dan waktu yang lebih hemat? Kaplan Edupac International College punya solusinya!

Melalui Kaplan Edupac International College, kamu bisa berkuliah di UC Berkeley atau Universitas Top Amerika lainnya dengan biaya dan waktu yang lebih hemat. Kamu bisa mulai ambil kredit (SKS) di Indonesia ketika kamu masih dibangku SMA, yang nantinya kredit tersebut bisa ditransfer ke kampus UC Berkeley dan TOP Universitas lainnya di Amerika. ⁣⁣⁣Jadi, selain kamu bisa menghemat waktu, kamu juga bisa menghemat biaya 🤩

Yuk ikuti Webinar Series kali ini! FREE Event!

Sesi 1: Sabtu, 20 Maret 2021 (11.00 WIB - 12.00 WIB) ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
Alumni Success Story⁣⁣⁣ (Sukses masuk UC Berkeley dengan cara mudah dan hemat)
Pembicara: William Alexander (Transferred Student, UC Berkeley, BS Degree in Chemistry) ⁣⁣⁣dan Maria Gunawan (South East Asia Representative San Mateo Colleges of Silicon Valley) ⁣⁣⁣
Sesi 2: Minggu, 21 Maret 2021 (11.00 WIB - 12.00 WIB) ⁣⁣⁣
Global Online Learning⁣⁣⁣ (Ambil Credit di Indonesia Transfer ke UC Berkeley Kemudian)
Pembicara: Maria Gunawan (South East Asia Representative San Mateo Colleges of Silicon Valley) ⁣⁣⁣

GOL's Student Experience

Anna (Russia) (2020)

GOL professors are very helpful. My Computer Science professors are experts in their field!  CANVAS is so easy to use!
Edupac BSD
GOL professors are very helpful. My Computer Science professors are experts in their field!  CANVAS is so easy to use!

Stefany (2018)

[Global Online Learning program] offers tools and resources for each class that have helped me to do well in my online classes. The teachers are nice and are helpful. I have been really enjoying my classes."
Edupac BSD
[Global Online Learning program] offers tools and resources for each class that have helped me to do well in my 

Yiran (2019)

[Global Online Learning] is an excellent and fantastic! My courses are not limited by time so students can study anytime and anywhere before the due date. It gave me a chance to learn more while still in China and improve myself quickly!
Edupac BSD
[Global Online Learning] is an excellent and fantastic! My courses are not limited by time so students can study anytime 


In August 2020, I started my studies at Skyline College as a Global Online Learning (GOL) student. From the very beginning, I was positively surprised by the college’s organization and its resources. The advisors and counselors I have met with have been extremely helpful and considerate, and the professors have been doing an incredible job. Skyline College also offers plenty of services such as online tutoring sessions and events. My experience with the GOL program as a Skyline College student has been overwhelmingly positive.
Edupac BSD
In August 2020, I started my studies at Skyline College as a Global Online Learning (GOL) student. From the very 


I am currently taking math, art history, and two English classes in the Global Online Learning program. Both my parents and I love the professors. They are very caring and dedicated. They give me feedback every day and I look forward to it since they encourage me to work harder.
Edupac BSD
I am currently taking math, art history, and two English classes in the Global Online Learning program. Both my parents 
Edupac BSD

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